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author: Uday

10/27/2007 07:28 AM

10/27/2007 02:35 AM

text and image marquees

Please keep in mind that marquees can and will seriously impare page loading time and, if you are concerned about standards (like I am) your page will not validate (like this one). However, since eveyone wants to do them, here's how you do it:

<marquee>Your Text or Picture</marquee>


<marquee scrollamount="1">Your Text or Picture</marquee>

<marquee scrollamount="5">Your Text or Picture</marquee>

<marquee scrollamount="10">Your Text or Picture</marquee>


<marquee direction="right">Your Text or Picture</marquee>

<marquee direction="up">Your Text or Picture</marquee>

<marquee direction="down">Your Text or Picture</marquee>


<marquee behavior="scroll">Your Text or Picture</marquee>

<marquee behavior="slide">Your Text or Picture</marquee>

<marquee behavior="alternate">Your Text or Picture</marquee>


<marquee scrolldelay="100">Your Text or Picture</marquee>

<marquee scrolldelay="200">Your Text or Picture</marquee>

<marquee scrolldelay="300">Your Text or Picture</marquee>


<marquee height="XXX">Your Text or Picture</marquee> controls height of marquee

<marquee width="XXX">Your Text or Picture</marquee> controls width of marquee

<marquee hspace="XXX">Your Text or Picture</marquee> controls horizontal space around marquee

<marquee vspace="XXX">Your Text or Picture</marquee> controls vertical space around marquee

<marquee loop="XXX">Your Text or Picture</marquee> controls number of times marquee will display where -1 and infinate values mean that the marquee will continue indefinately.

*To put a picture in use <img src="URL OF PIC"> between your marquee tags.


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